Monday, August 25, 2008

Can I Negotiate with My Creditors?

In the U.S. you can do almost anything by yourself, save for a surgical procedure under general anesthetic. However, most consumers have no idea how to talk to a creditor. They don't even know who to speak to. It is better to hire a professional who knows the best things to say.

I recently saved one debt negotiation client who almost ruined his case. He told his creditor, an insurance carrier, represented by an attorney, that he was going away on a vacation to Europe for a month and had to resolve his debt right away. How sympathetic is a creditor to someone who's claiming financial hardship and contemporaneously taking a luxurious trip to France?

Do you really have the time and know how to resolve your own debt?

My firm is one of the few companies, perhaps the only firm that handles debt negotiation on a contingency fee basis. That means, you only pay us, if we save you money. Typically, we charge 30% of what we save you. Ex: Your original credit card debt is $10,000.00. We cut that down to $5,000.00. You owe us $1,500.00 on top of your reduced payment to your creditor.

In order for us to accept your case, you must be able to pay your creditor back at around fifty cents on the dollar. Otherwise, we will reject your case. If you can't pay back around fifty cents on the dollar, you may want to consider other options, such as bankruptcy.

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